财新传媒 财新传媒





美国证券市场和中国证券市场一直是中国企业选择上市的主选,现在一边对中国公司压低估值,一边对IPO采取严格限制,于是许多中国公司开始转向香港市场,新加坡市场和台湾市场寻求出路。去年,香港上市的104家企业中有65家是中国大陆企业,许多公司融资超过10亿美元(比如中石化炼化工程(2386. HK)和中国光大银行)。2014年初,中国市场IPO重启,陕西煤业在上交所融资约1.3亿美元,成为中国IPO重启后首例破发新股。不过最令人关注的还属中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴的动向,据报道,2014年阿里巴巴将在纽约证交所或香港证交所上市。

在过去的十二个月里,有两单交易可以称为中国IT并购史的里程碑。其中一个交易便是中软国际收购Catapult Systems。这起交易有许多令人瞩目之处,但最耀眼的是它标志着中国IT企业终于做好了进军全球市场的准备。大部分之前完成的交易的总金额低于二千万美元,并多在八百万美元到一千万美元之间。然而,一个真正具有战略意义的并购的交易总金额应该在五千万美元到一亿美元之间——中软国际收购Catapult Systems的交易总金额就相当接近这个范围,为四千二百万美元。合并后,中软国际将一举成为微软在世界范围内的顶尖认证合作伙伴之一。这单并购为众多中国IT企业展示了一条通过加强咨询业务成功脱颖而出的道路。就在最近,联想收购了IBM  x86服务器并从谷歌手里收购了摩托罗拉移动业务——成为中国科技领域有史以来最大的两单并购交易——表明了制造商仍是中国IT领域的核心。








中国IT公司面临着许多的机会与挑战,如果利用好新兴的趋势,不断增加市场影响力,2014年将会成为国内IT服务行业极为关键的一年。我们希望中国企业能够在这些高端的技术领域——大数据,云服务,咨询业务和快速增长的手机领域——写下他们辉煌的篇章。与此同时, 中国IT 企业将会赢得更高的全球地位,与更多中小型美国IT 领域供应商合作,进行更多更大的跨国并购——尤其在云服务方面。其实我们现在已经看到一些具有划时代意义的并购交易——联想收购摩托罗拉移动业务和IBM x86服务器,以及中软收购Deem——接下来的九个月里中国IT行业在全球地位也许会有更戏剧性的提升。让我们拭目以待。



With the Western New Year and the Lunar New Year behind us, now is a good time to both look back at 2013 and look forward to what we can expect in 2014 for the Chinese IT Services Industry. The past year was not the strong resurgence that many were hoping for, with many of the major indicators either down or flat. GDP growth slowed to 7.5% in the second quarter and ended 2013 flat with 2012 at 7.7% overall, with the October-to-December period down slightly from the same period in 2012. The Shanghai stock index was one of the world’s worst performing, reporting a 7.0% drop in 2013 amid liquidity squeezes and fear of an oversupply of shares following a yearlong suspension of new IPOs.


Real estate continued to be the single biggest force stimulating domestic consumption, with a total investment of $1.4 billion in development up 19.8% over last year on a nominal basis. The weaker-than-expected economic performance dragged with it that of the IT industry, which while forecast to slightly outpace GDP at 9.5%, is down from previous forecasts of 13%. Meanwhile we see sharp deceleration of 2014 GDP from the pace of the past four years, which have averaged 8.8%. In addition to the slowing economy, political factors including a cooling political relationship between China and Japan (the largest IT clients in Asia) and the crisis in Ukraine are further depressing IT spending


But the significance of the year is perhaps best measured instead by some of the major developments and deals that took place. 2013 saw several large Chinese IT Services companies going private, specifically Pactera, Asiainfo-Linkage and iSoftstone. While each company had unique factors behind their transaction, there were several commonalities. First, Chinese IT outsourcing companies are significantly undervalued in U.S. markets due to lingering concerns regarding the Longtop scandal. Because of this, many Chinese firms see now as a good time to go private and transform their business models to diversify their revenue by accessing more US and European enterprise customers and offering higher-end consulting services as lower-end outsourcing work comes under growing wage pressure. By pairing with large private equity firms like Blackstone Consortium in the case of Pactera and CITC Capital in the case of AsiaInfo-Linkage, the firms have positioned themselves to complete their transactions out of the scrutiny of the public eye.


With the depressed valuations in the United States and IPO restrictions on the Chinese market, we are also seeing Chinese firms turn to alternative outlets such as the Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwanese stock markets. In 2013, 65 out of the 104 deals in the Hong Kong IPO market were from the Chinese mainland, with multiple firms raising more than $1 billion USD (such as Sinopec Engineering Group Co. (2386.HK) and China Everbright Bank Co.). Shaanxi Coal Industry  is the first IPO in China in 2014 - generated $130 million. But all eyes are on Chinese e-Commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., which is reportedly choosing between New York or Hong Kong for its expected 2014 IPO.



Two other deals in the past twelve months set a precedent for an increased Chinese presence in the IT M&A space. One of the most disruptive deals was Chinasoft’s acquisition of Catapult Systems. The deal was notable for several reasons, but primarily for indicating that Chinese IT companies are finally ready to take their place on a global stage. Most successful deals have had valuations of less than $20 million, and truthfully more in the USD 8-10 million range. Instead, they need to be in the range of USD 50-100 million— and the Catapult acquisition was much closer to that range at nearly $42 million. The combined company will be one of the most accredited and certified Microsoft partners in the world—and can serve as a model for other Chinese IT companies looking to successfully follow in their footsteps and truly distinguish themselves by strengthening their true consulting capability. More recently, Lenovo’s back to back acquisitions of IBM’s x86 server unit and Motorola Mobility from Google—China’s biggest technology deal— show that manufacturing continues to be a dominant sphere for China.


As we look forward to the rest of 2014, the macro forecast really is “more of the same.” Inflation will likely stay at 3.5%, and expect an annual GDP growth rate of 7.5%, slightly down from 2013 but more stable on a quarterly basis. The housing market also appears to have stabilized with risk of price declines in smaller cities. Slower domestic market plus the challenge of AR collection will prompt Chinese IT companies further look out to international revenue sources.


But this year will be distinguished by a number of hot trends that will shape the IT market. China’s public and private sectors are forecast to spend $124.5 billion in 2014, an increase of 10.5% over last year. China is expected to retain its position as the world’s third-largest tech market and ¼ of all APAC IT spending. These trends are:


First is the rise in demand for cloud computing and Software as a Service products as small and medium sized private enterprises look to reduce costs, suggest deletion: (especially in the human resource management and enterprise resource management space.) Cloud based HRM and cloud based ERP services are especially popular in the mid-sized manufacturing enterprises in the eastern coastal cities, which face huge cost pressures and continually look for cost reductions to boost their cash flows and improve operation efficiency through cloud capabilities. The March 10 investment by Chinasoft in commerce-oriented SaaS provider Deem Inc. is only the latest in what we expect to be a major trend going forward.


Second, “big technology” will continue to grow. Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent are expected to make significant investments in the new data center construction. Additionally, by building data centers in Guangdong and Xinjiang, Huawei is positioning itself to take advantage of this trend and become a dominant force in Chinese cloud providers.






13篇文章 9年前更新

何好,Martinwolf M&A Advisors资深副总裁,中国业务部董事总经理。拥有美国雷鸟商学院MBA学位,上海财经大学的经济学学士学位。她是注册金融分析师(CFA),美国金融业监管局(FINRA)注册经纪人,以及Beta Gama Sigma荣誉学会会员。 Martinwolf 是全球领先的,专注于中型市场(mid-market),为信息技术行业提供并购咨询服务的投资银行.公司总部位于美国旧金山,并在印度班加罗尔设有办事处。公司在过去的15年中完成了超过115宗信息技术行业并购交易。 何好女士负责管理、执行M&A交易以及公司的业务拓展。她参与了多项IT服务,商务流程外包(BPO),软件既服务(SaaS),软件和IT供应链领域的并购交易,其中包括了Aztec Systems, Infinisource, BenefitsXML, Global Analytics, Canvas Systems, Rolta India Ltd (BSE: 500366), Softchoice (TSX:SO), Insight Enterprise (NADSQ:NSIT), Safeguard Scientific (NYSE:SFE), and ASAP Software. 何好女士在中美国两国的工作经历使她在很多不同的领域,例如公司财务分析、投资组合管理,都具有丰富的经验。在加入martinwolf之前,她曾在上海的汇丰银行(HSBC)和上海银行为全球财富500强以及其他中国企业和个人提供服务。 如欲获得最及时和最详尽的免费IT行业发展趋势专业分析,或Martin Wolf团队对中国IT跨境并购的精辟见解和追踪,请访问https://martinwolf.publishpath.com/cn-home。
